For immediate release
The Papua New Guinea National Rugby League Competition (PNG NRLC) today announced ExxonMobil as a naming-rights co-sponsor alongside Digicel for Papua New Guinea’s flagship competition, the now renamed Digicel ExxonMobil Cup.
PNG National Rugby League Competition (PNG NRLC) Board Chairman Mr. Adrian Chow said that the PNG NRLC is delighted to welcome ExxonMobil PNG on board as naming-rights co-sponsors of what used to be known as the Digicel Cup.
This partnership changes the name of the competition, what used to be known as the Digicel Cup will now be the Digicel ExxonMobil Cup.
“The three-year, 6 million kina, sponsorship sets a strong foundation to see our national competition played at the highest level. Strengthening the game’s professionalism and standard of play will generate new opportunities and create pathways for young players to grow,” he said.
“The benefits will spread nationwide as we bring the Digicel ExxonMobil Cup across PNG’s provinces and communities.”
“I thank ExxonMobil for this additional support and acknowledge the ongoing support and sponsorship of Digicel PNG. PNGNRLC is excited to be partnering with these exemplary corporate citizens.”
“This partnership brings together organizations that are committed to the values of teamwork, respect, personal integrity and excellence,” Mr. Chow further said.
ExxonMobil PNG Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Peter Larden said ExxonMobil is proud to partner with Digicel to support this prestigious competition which is a powerful force for national unity and pride.
“For a decade we have proudly sponsored the PNG LNG Kumuls and the SP Hunters and in 2023 this partnership with the Papua New Guinea National Rugby League Competition enables us to extend the impact rugby league can have across the country.”
“At ExxonMobil we are focused on supporting delivering sustainable long-term benefits for the communities within which we work while contributing to the economic growth of Papua New Guinea.”
“The Digicel ExxonMobil Cup plays an important role by demonstrating to everyone what can be achieved through hard work, integrity and a commitment to excellence. Every one of these players has an important role to play as ambassadors to influence positive outcomes for our youth,” Mr. Larden said.
Digicel’s Chief Executive Office, Colin Stone said, “Digicel is extremely pleased to partner with ExxonMobil in hosting the 2023 Digicel ExxonMobil Cup.”
“The cup, now in its 13th year, has developed tremendously over that time to be the flagship sports competition in PNG. This can clearly be seen in the standard of the game and quality of players, teams, coaches and the overall organization and implementation of each game across the Country.”
“We believe that with the inclusion of an international company such as ExxonMobil, will only lead to more development programs for the players and even further enhance the quality of the new players who enter the competition every year. Digicel welcomes ExxonMobil to the Competition and look forward to working with them to taking the Digicel ExxonMobil Cup to the next level.”