The PNG NRLC announced the appointment of Mr. Leith Isaac as General Manager and Mr. Paul Joseph as Competitions Manager. The term of the appointment is for a period of two years.

The nation’s premier rugby league competition in 2023, is seeing the adoption of a new structure with the aim to create and improve the standard of the competition and its delivery.

PNG NRLC Director, Lorna McPherson said in announcing the two new appointments, “We are fortunate to have such experienced and qualified personnel leading the competition as we go into the 2023 Season. As the team continues to be assembled and with a new strategic approach, we are optimistic about the impact of having the right human resource to drive the vision.”

Mr. Isaac has over 10 year’s work experience both in the public and private sector, including the international development space. He joins us with experience in the sporting space as well, having worked with Team PNG in the 2015 Pacific Games.

Joseph who joins as the newly appointed Competitions Manager, brings experience from an extensive background as a well-respected figure in the sport of rugby union, from being a player to coaching and being an administrator of the sport.

Former Competitions Manager and CEO of the PNGRFL, Stanley Hondina spoke on the alignment of the PNG NRLC to the greater plans and vision for rugby league going forward,

“We here at the PNGRFL always want to be the best in the sporting space and for us to realize that we only need good people around the organization. I congratulate these two gentlemen and welcome them to the PNG NRLC which is an important tier in the whole of the games PNGRFL six (6) tier structure.

It will be new and exciting as well as challenging for him but PNGRFL is committed to assisting wherever needed and possible.

They bring in a new set of experience and dynamics to the organization and we look forward to working with them going forward.”

PNG NRLC will be launching its first ever five (5) year strategic plan 2023- 2027 in March and the General Manager will be expected to lead his team to implement this strategic plan.

The announcement comes as the first of several strategic changes for the competition this year, prior to kick off in April.

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